Focus works right away with Safari, Chrome, Opera, Brave, Microsoft Edge, Arc, and Vivaldi. If you use Firefox or any browser that can use WebExtensions, you can get our official Focus add-on. To add Focus to Firefox, click the 'Get Firefox Addon' button above. Or you can go to the Focus add-on page and get the latest one for Firefox. It will have a name like focus-X.X.X-firefox.xpi. Firefox will prompt you to install the extension, click "Continue to Installation" then "Add". Now, Focus is added to Firefox. For other browsers, you'll need to do a few extra steps. Make sure your browser can use WebExtensions. A lot of them can. Go to the Focus add-on page and get the latest zip file. Its name will look like In your browser's add-on area, click Load unpacked extensions. You might have to turn on Developer mode first. Then pick the Focus add-on folder. Now, Focus is ready to use.How to Add Focus to Firefox
How to Add Focus to Other Browsers
Focus is a Mac app that helps you take back your productivity.
How to Add Focus to Your Web Browser
Focus works right away with most web browsers. But some browsers need an extra piece of software.
Need help?
Email [email protected] with any questions about Focus, and we'll assist you as soon as possible!